"Onward to Olympus"

"Onward to Olympus"
A Photo I Found on the Internet

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Holy Radiant Empire

Official Name: Holy Radiant Empire of the Solarion Nation (often referred to as simply "The Empire.")

Age-75,800 years

Location: Home base system beyond the range of any telescope of any type, more than 13.2 giga-lightyears away, with a colonial system and a presence encompassing 12 giga-lightyears in range

Politics: Theocratic oligarchy; religious pact of union

Population-Unknown, but consists of millions of species, led by the ruling, heavily adorned Herrugah species, they are 15 feet tall, walk with a hunchback stance and wear huge stone masks over their whole faces

Form of government-Similar to the Roman Empire, only 12% of its members are citizens, all others are slaves or colonial subjects with limited rights

Leader: A'yyara Baa-Shuu-Voss, A'iiri Sen Tsut Klin (Emperor and Empress)

Military: Untold millions of years more advanced than anything the human race can come up with, has visited Earth in locations such as Pine Bush, N.Y. and Marfa, Texas.

Military compositions: Out of the 15 Ruling Castes, there are: